Expert performance
What really separates extraordinary performers from the rest of us? Are experts born
or made? How do we unlock the secrets of developing talent? What kind of practice
is needed and how much is necessary? Are there certain characteristics that
experts share across disciplines?
Drawing on neuroscience and leadership studies this session will not only change the way you
think about talent but will help you develop a road map toward expertise.
Leaders, managers, athletes, parents, musicians, teachers, coaches or anyone wanting to maximize their own talent or those who help others develop expertise,should attend.
- Defining expert performance
- Recent research on talent development
- What is deliberate practice?
- The role of coaches and mentors
- Passion, persistence and feedback
- Managing energy and developing your Ideal Performance State
- The role of mindset in developing expertise
- How failure affects talent development
Participants will
- Learn how practice, passion and persistence can create breakthrough
- Apply energy management principles on their journey
- Develop a personalized path to expertise
or made? How do we unlock the secrets of developing talent? What kind of practice
is needed and how much is necessary? Are there certain characteristics that
experts share across disciplines?
Drawing on neuroscience and leadership studies this session will not only change the way you
think about talent but will help you develop a road map toward expertise.
Leaders, managers, athletes, parents, musicians, teachers, coaches or anyone wanting to maximize their own talent or those who help others develop expertise,should attend.
- Defining expert performance
- Recent research on talent development
- What is deliberate practice?
- The role of coaches and mentors
- Passion, persistence and feedback
- Managing energy and developing your Ideal Performance State
- The role of mindset in developing expertise
- How failure affects talent development
Participants will
- Learn how practice, passion and persistence can create breakthrough
- Apply energy management principles on their journey
- Develop a personalized path to expertise