Making Work/ Life Balance Work
Many new, mid-career and experienced professionals struggle with balance in their work and personal lives. Juggling the competing demands of work, home and family can interfere with peak performance and negatively impact the
quality of life away from the workplace. Renewing personal energy levels is the key to high performance.
Developing a plan to achieve balance and increase your personal energy levels can make you more productive and give you a greater sense of fulfillment.
The goal of this session is to help you feel more engaged and satisfied with your work and your life.
Participants will learn about:
- Leadership in a time of competing demand
- The signs of an unbalanced life
- “Selective abandonment” – how to do it
- The barriers to high performance
- Understanding energy management
- Your four sources of energy
- Renewing personal energy
- tools for becoming more productive and feeling more balanced
- Why people follow and new ways of influencing others
- Developing an individual action plan for achieving balance
Through the use of research from neuroscience and leadership studies, stories, video, humour and rich conversation with peers, participants will be actively engaged throughout this full day session.